Is it a stone or something else?

Ahmed El-Affendi
2 min readApr 28, 2021


There are many things that exist around us in our environment, but here is the thing: most of us don’t observe what’s interesting in it because we see these things everyday, but some of us observe and deduct what others didn’t!

Now if I asked you what is in the cover picture of this article you’ll say: it’s a stone.

But the data analyst, data scientist will say otherwise. For me I don’t see just a simple stone. I see a rich source of variables to include in my analysis, machine learning, and deep learning work!

For instance, I’ll be asking these questions:

  • What is the weight of that stone?
  • What is the chemical structure of that stone?
  • What’s the geographical coordinates for the location that the stone came from? Now I’m not a geologist, zoologist or naturalist but I bet that the same plants, trees, animals, and mineral resources can exist somewhere else on this earth where similar stones with the same characteristics exist. And I bet we can grow the same plants, trees and imitate the same ecosystem wild/domestic animal species to that location!
  • Did any natural disasters happen in the original location that the stone came from? If so then I bet that we can predict similar disasters and their frequencies.

To sum up, look around your surroundings but this time pay some uniqe attention and think more a little bit CRAZY using the lense of a data analyst/data scientist. You’ll start to figure out many new things that you never thought of.



Ahmed El-Affendi

I’m a coffeholic foodie data journalist, data scientist & analyat, writer, & storyteller. Interested in cinematics, language learning, books reading, & culture.