Co-Working Spaces in Khartoum

Ahmed El-Affendi
3 min readJun 2, 2022


Finding a pleasant work environment with all what you need is very essential for working as a freelancer, a founder, or an employee. Khartoum has four main co-working spaces.

One of the important factors that helps people to be creative, innovative, and productive in their work is having a stable and pleasant work environment especially in Sudan where electricity is totally unstable, water isn’t always available, internet services aren’t reliable, and many other basic services. That’s where co-working spaces fit in.

Most of the co-working spaces share a similar set of services like stable electricity, stable water supply, printing services, meeting rooms, reliable internet service, cafe, a private office or an open workspace, fashionable design and furniture, consultancy, a space to create and manage events, a space for workshops and programs, and other related essential services to facilitate anything related to daily business operations. Subscribing to one of these co-working spaces vary in prices, packages of services, and are based on a specific time length like a daay, a week, a month, more than one month, or a year. Also, prices in Sudan are changing in daily basis, so it’s crucial that you contact those co-working spaces in order to know their latest prices.

There are four main co-working spaces in Khartoum:

Impact Hub Khartoum


Cell: +24992 404 0773


We Hub


Cell: +249120017970


Sudavation Creative Hub


Cell: +249900774468


Link Hub

Cell: +249121141767


To sum up, co-working spaces are very vital for all professionals in their daily work duties. Khartoum has four remarkable co-working spaces and hopefully we shall see more working spaces around Sudan.



Ahmed El-Affendi

I’m a coffeholic foodie data journalist, data scientist & analyat, writer, & storyteller. Interested in cinematics, language learning, books reading, & culture.